As a 45 year old woman with a child just graduated high school my cultural conditioning told me to be offended. Inside, my thought immediately was: "Do I look that old?" But I merely mumbled, um, no, and our conversation took off from there.
She is a fascinating individual: edgy and intensely humourous. After talking with her awhile, I felt like I was allowed entrance to her widely extended clan. This woman emanates a sense of clan felt only rarely in my life. My high school drama teacher also had this type of aura about her and I believe today that this is why all of us former drama geeks still feel a connection beyond the facebook poking and posting. I envision Mama D going around and gathering fellow clan members into her fold...a long trail of other gathered clan members behind her and myself being the latest in her trailblazing harvest. Me: the newbie with cotton wool in my ears that is ready to be yanked out and replaced with vaults of unknown wisdom that will enrich and disrupt my current life paradigms. That is what meeting Mama D felt like to me and I look forward to her teachings.
Of course, the first lesson she has taught me is that despite my knee jerk response to her question, there is no doubt in my mind that I'm a Raging Granny. So I guess I'm Toronto's newest and possibly youngest Raging Granny. Biologically I am definitely of an age where I could be one. And these women are seriously cool so you're darn right that I want to be one.
As a group, the Raging Grannies are known to be a tricky bunch. You never know what these women will be up to next. Ever since their debut as an activist movement in the wild west of British Columbia in the late 1980s they make news using delightful songs and public performances that tend to really shake up things. Check out the Florida Raging Grannies parody on the republican uterus controversary (done in 2011 but we could update it and use the word vagina after the recent Lisa Brown abortion debate in Michigan fiasco). But they are not only about song. For example, check out the Montreal Raging Grannies calendar to raise funds to make a film of the groups 25 year long 'herstory'. Their formula for success seems to be take an issue, create something to mock it, dress appropriately, gather together and perform.
I leave you with a performance by Mama D that removed whatever doubt I had about my declaration of being Toronto's newsest Raging Granny. If Raging Grannies get to do cool stuff like this, you're darn right I wanna be in on it. You can buy her CD here.
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